Taking in the Good

3 Day Seminar - Positive Neuroplasticity

Positive Neuroplasticity focuses on cultivating favorable states of mind and learning how to transform simple, everyday experiences into inner strengths. These strengths include resilience, confidence, inner security, compassion, agency, and gratitude. Mindfully internalizing such psychological resources can help us deal with anxiety, suffering, depression, anger, frustration, loss, and loneliness-and it supports well-being, self-esteem, fulfilling relationships, emotional healing, and spiritual practice.

The training is for people who:

  • want to build up inner strengths and resources

  • want to convert positive mental states into permanent (neuronal) properties

  • want to alleviate or heal recurring sorrowful experiences through beneficial experiences

  • want to meet growing challenges in their lives with composure and competence

  • Want to deepen mindfulness and self-compassion

  • want to increase their resilience

Course schedule:

  • Class 1: The essence of Positive

  • Class 2: Having, enriching, and
    absorbing beneficial experiences

  • Class 3: Linking positive and
    negative material

  • Class 4: Growing strengths for
    feeling safer

  • Class 5: Growing strengths for
    feeling more satisfied

  • Class 6: Growing strengths for
    feeling more connected

Date: November 1-2 & 29, 2025

Day 1: 09:00 - 12:30 & 14:00 - 17:30
Day 2:
09:00 - 12:30 & 14:00 - 17:00
Day 3:
09:00 - 12:30 & 14:00 - 17:30

Location: Room for Yoga | Bremgartnerstrasse 18, 8003 Zurich

Course language: German

Course price: Early bird until 30.6. CHF 550 | from 1.7. CHF 650

Discounts for students, AHV recipients and low-income earners on request.

General terms and conditions


George is a teacher, speaker, author and coach for mental health, resilience and mindfulness. He advises and trains organizations on topics related to mental well-being and psychological safety as well as cultural change and conflict situations.

George is a multi-certified coach (PCC, CPCC, LCP) and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). He is certified as an MBCT teacher by the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation and has developed his own mindfulness-based training program and model - The Being-Doing Balance. George holds an M.A. in Philosophy and Economics from Humboldt University Berlin. George is personally accredited by Rick Hanson as a teacher of Positive Neuroplasticity.


Dr. Rick Hanson is a psychologist, senior fellow at UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center and bestselling author. His books, including Neurodharma and Hardwiring Happiness, have been published in 29 languages. His newsletter reaches 200,000 subscribers, and his online programs are accessible to the financially disadvantaged. He has lectured at NASA, Google, Oxford and Harvard and taught at meditation centers worldwide. An expert on Positive Neuroplasticity, his work has been featured on BBC, CBS and NPR. He has been meditating since 1974, founded the Wellspring Institute and lives with his wife in Northern California.

  • Positive neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reshape and strengthen itself through targeted exercises and positive experiences. Through regular training, you can replace negative thought patterns with positive ones, increase your resilience and lead a more fulfilling life.

  • I learn to consciously focus my mind and brain on positive experiences, to perceive and activate them and then internalize them. I learn how I can specifically transform positive experiences into sustainable mental strengths in order to better face my individual challenges with mental and neuronal resilience.

  • No prior knowledge is required for the training in Positive Neuroplasticity. If you have already read the book "Thinking like a Buddha" (original title: Hardwiring Happiness) by Rick Hanson in advance, you may already have a theoretical understanding of some of the topics. However, if you wish, you can also read the book after the training to deepen your understanding.

  • During the training, we will repeatedly go into the experience in order to make positive experiences as tangible as possible. On the one hand, this is done in exercises led by the course instructor, but also through exercises and discussions with other course participants. The neuronal process of learning is explained in an understandable way using clear examples and simple models.

  • The training in Positive Neuroplasticity is mindfulness-based. Knowledge or training in mindfulness is helpful, but not a prerequisite for the success of the training. In mindfulness, we learn to be with the present experience as it is, without changing it. In PNT training, we consciously focus on positive experiences and help them to grow.

  • This course is not recommended for people who suffer from severe depression, have a history of psychotic experience or are flooded with traumatic memories when tuning into their inner experience. If you have any concerns, please speak to the trainer in advance.

  • Do you have other plans for all or part of a day? Just ask us. For example, we offer the option of making up the third day on one of the next training dates.


We look forward to meet you!

Do you have questions about the course or would you like to organise a private course for your organisation? Write to us!